Tin and Tin Alloy Plating Processes for Decorative Applications
Technic offers a range of tin and tin alloy electroplating chemistry for decorative applications.
Tin plating is a low cost electroplating process widely used in decorative applications. Tin is a malleable, relatively soft metal, and it provides superior protection against corrosion and excellent solderability.
Technic offers effective plating solutions for both bright acid and matte tin finishes.

Technibrite HT 1000
Sulfate bright tin process with superior low current density brightness. Can be run warm up to 35 C. Excellent brightness, even when the tin concentration is high and the bath temperature is warm.

Black Tin Cobalt
Tin-cobalt plating – tin/cobalt black barrel shotgun color
Tin Cobalt
Tin-cobalt plating – tin/cobalt alloy based bath with light aspect chrome like appearance.
Techni BT2
Sulfate based electrolytic tin plating process with bright deposit for rack and barrel applications; nonilphenol free
Techni NF JB 3000
MSA based electrolytic high speed bright tin plating process